Permanent lockout (H87) reset procedure for Thermotop EVO using Multicontrol

Permanent lockout (H87) reset procedure for Thermotop EVO using Multicontrol

1) Repair/rectify the original source fault

2) Turn off the heater using the smart/multicontrol

3) Remove 20A Fuse

4) Wait 30 seconds

5) Refit 20A Fuse

6) Wait 30 seconds

7) Turn Heater on using the smart/multicontrol

8) Remove 20A fuse between 3 and 10 Seconds

9) Wait 30 seconds

10) Refit 20A Fuse

11) Turn off the heater using the smart/multicontrol

12) Carry out reset of the multicontrol

13) Wait 30 seconds

14) Turn Heater on- Procedure Complete

The lockout can also be released using the PC Diagnosis